More Than a Song - Discovering the Truth of Scripture Hidden in Today's Popular Christian Music
More Than a Song is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to helping you discover the truth of Scripture hidden in today's popular Christian music. Each episode teaches you to connect portions of God's Word with the songs you're singing along with on the radio to help you meditate on Truths that will transform your way of thinking and, ultimately, your life.
More Than a Song - Discovering the Truth of Scripture Hidden in Today's Popular Christian Music
#477: "Trust In God” by Elevation Worship
Don't forget to download the Episode Guide for THIS episode. Download it for free to interact with Scripture for yourself.
Have you ever loved a song and found that learning its story made it even more meaningful? That happened to me this week. I was inspired to study Psalm 34 after listening to "Trust In God" by Elevation Worship. Only the story behind the song that I studied isn't the story behind "Trust in God." It's the story behind David's song in Psalm 34.
Join me as we read and meditate on Psalm 34 and watch it come to life while studying the "story behind the song."
In this episode, I discuss the following:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Read in context
- Repetition
- Meditate on Scripture
- Read the text aloud
- Listen to an audio version
- Study/listen in various translations
- Start with God
- Make a list
- Follow cross-references
- Episode Guide Download
- Trust in God because He's trustworthy, not because He gives you what you want
- Sit and soak in Psalm 34 before interacting with the text
- Recognize that when you seek the Lord, He will answer, but not always in the way you are seeking
- Marking up the text on my tablet - I love the Notability app
- Starting with God before highlighting what we learn about people in Psalm 34
- Using the bookmark Dr. Matthew Harmon shared on the special Friday With Friends edition of More Than a Song
- Remembering that while the Bible was written for you, it wasn't originally written to you
- Exploring the "story behind the song" by reading 1 Samuel 20-22
- Looking closer at the original audience of this song - 1 Samuel 22:1-2
- Rereading Psalm 34 now that you have the historical background
- Trust in our Redeemer and take refuge in Him, and you will not be condemned
- Psalm 34:22
- John 3:17
- Romans 8:1
When we share our test
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